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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Am I a superstitious Army Mom?

I think I might be getting a little tense lately. Hubby went to take our truck to get his business info put on the back window with vinyl letters...well, Mike had put a "Terrorist Hunting Permit" on the back window after we went shopping at US Cavalry by Fort Knox during family weekend, when he was in OSUT...and I remembered at the last second that it was on the window they were putting lettering on.

I called and said "DO NOT let them take that off!" and he said he was actually already planning on taking it off because one line wouldn't be centered with it on there. CENTERED??? Who the HELL cares about CENTERED LETTERS???

My kid, that is currently suffering in HELL to make sure we can enjoy such things as vinyl freaking letters on our cars, put that sticker on the truck himself and thought it was funny as can be and it's not coming off until that boy is in my driveway removing it himself. Maybe it's not superstition but just that I see it every day and every single day I remember being in the parking lot of US Cavalry with him and him laughing and grabbing the sticker out of his bag (it was originally intended for his own truck) and saying, "Dad will love this!!" and sticking it on the window.

That silly sticker prompts a memory I like having and I'm not giving it up without a fight. It's like one of the few delicate threads that makes me feel like I'm connected to him still...even if he's 7000 miles away.

My husband can think I'm nuts if he wants but I'm sticking to my guns on this one.


  1. I'm with you. They can pry that sticker from your cold dead hands!

  2. You've got another supporter.

  3. Oh yea, I bought a Blue Star Banner Magnet and placed it on my car when my son's first deployment. I bought another car and had bought a few more magnets for our other cars. I was very adamant that the same magnet must be on my car. It didn't seem right to me to put it on another car or replace it with a new one. So I completely understand.

  4. update: sticker is still on the car along with his business information. It was no where near the area they put the letters so I don't know why they even thought it was a consideration. Don't they know not to mess with an Army mom when it comes to her Soldier and anything he's associated with??? Well, maybe they do now, but sheesh...I can't be the only one out there!! :)

  5. i totally understand. everyday when i go out to my car matt's truck is there and it just reminds me to pray for him and what he's going through and it helps. soooo glad the sticker is where it belongs! i have to drive to louisville tomorrow to pick up my daughter from the airport and she just wants to go to ft. knox and kidnap him while we are so close! wish there was some way we could sneak a visit with him, but i have no way to contact him. they didn't let them have their phones back during AIT... bummer.
