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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Military Moms, Spouses, Relatives in the Greater Tampa Bay area

Anyone in the Tampa Bay area who is interested in participating in supporting our military, there is a chapter of the Blue Star Mothers that is actively meeting again.

You can visit our website for more details : Blue Star Mothers of Greater Tampa Bay

You do not have to be a mom to take part in our activities!! We will be participating in events all over the Tampa Bay area, such as the Independence Day parade we marched in on July 4th in Brandon and we'll be volunteering at the VA Hospital in Tampa and trying to help out organizations such as Freedom Excursions in Apollo Beach. We also do homecomings, console each other after deployments, check on your sick kids in the area (if you aren't here) and do so many things for our troops!

If you know any military families in the area please let them know about us!! If you are a military family member but aren't local, find your local chapter at the National Blue Star Mothers site!


  1. Hi there! I tried to find a way to email this to you but could not on your site. Canvas On Demand is having another military-personnel-only free giveaway of custom canvas prints. Here is the info...

    Canvas on Demand appreciates our troops! That’s why we started Operation Hi Honey, a program that gives hundreds of our deployed military men and women a FREE fine-art canvas that will be presented to their spouse on their anniversary. The beautiful 16″x20″ PixelPaintedTM canvas, created from a favorite photo, has the look and feel of a traditional custom painting. It’s a personalized keepsake that their Honey will hang in a place of honor and cherish for years to come. The free canvas is normally valued at $112.


  2. Hey Wendy, You update as frequently a I do. LOL

  3. Michelle: Yup!! LOL So much going on and so little me to do it all. It will all even out soon. :) It's good to see you on here! Thanks for stopping by!
