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Monday, June 4, 2012

Deployment Lite

My kid is leaving for another country!  He's not heading to Afghanistan but he's still deploying to do his job for the Army.  The fact that he keeps saying it's a vacation funded by Uncle Sam doesn't really make it better.

Afghanistan happens soon enough, so I guess this is kind of a practice for stressing over a long deployment to a hostile land.  *sigh*

that didn't really help either.

I just realized he's going to be able to see this too.  :-D  He'll be totally embarrassed when he realizes I blogged about him while he was in Iraq.  I think I told him but he wasn't able to see the blog then.  So, Mike...when you see this...sorry, but I'm gonna blog, you're gonna deploy.  We both have to do what we have to do.     

So now the blog is officially dusted off and back in business.  I'll see you all tomorrow.  Consider yourself warned!! lol


  1. How has it been going for you and your Soldier since he has left the country?

  2. Hi Faith! Thanks for stopping by and asking about us! That was very nice of you. Believe it or not, my Soldier is back already and working on the next deployment.

    He was correct when he classified it as a "vacation", I saw pictures of what looked like a big tough mudder event...and that was part of the mission.

    He was still out of the US and I'm always nervous that the Army will say, "Well, since you are already out here, let's just drop you off in Afghanistan so you can help out there". Not that I don't trust the Army when they say what they are going to do..but..wait, no, I don't trust them. :-)

    Thanks again! Have a GREAT day!
