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Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'd Like To Get Off The Deployed Army Mom Train Please

I'm not sure I'm really cut out for this. I thought I was. I tried really hard. Now I'm wishing I could find a "do over" button and go back and talk Mike into doing something less dangerous in a less hostile place. He was supposed to go to Full Sail for game design. That was pretty safe! Well, actually, now that I think of it from that angle, I do know of people there with major drug problems so...ok, that one is out. Dang. Now that I think of it, I don't think anything is safe enough.


I guess I would rather have a kid who is confident in what he's doing and making a difference than a kid who is just surviving and not really happy with life.

Man, I just talked myself out of a full blown anxiety attack. For now. Thanks for listening. If I start talking at home, my kids pick up on me being upset and then it will include my husband and then my mom and it just escalates and no one can function.

Going to try to work now...thanks again for listening!



  1. hey mike's mom... i'm matt's mom. i was a 20 year navy wife (until my soon to be ex filed for divorce) and matt just enlisted last friday on his 20th birthday. he leaves for ft. knox on the 25th (2 days after the divorce is final). he really wanted cav scouts, but no openings for a long time. he'll be a tanker and keep nagging the counselor to move him. he's an awesome young man, as i'm sure your son is too. i like your positive attitude and hope we can talk sometime. not too many people in indiana are familiar with military life, so not a lot of support system here. jennie

  2. I'd love to talk to you! Not too many people around me have a clue of what my brain is going through so I feel isolated a lot. Thankfully we have the internet!! Really if it weren't for GoArmyParents.com I'd probably be a total nutcase by now.

    Feel free to comment often and thanks for your great complement (even though I don't feel real positive today).

  3. i guess since i already am a total nutcase, i won't have far to go! i have so many huge life crisis going on right now it's not even funny. but, i have a real peace about matt's decision even though i know where he'll probably end up. it would be nice if i could share my concerns with my husband, but that's not gonna happen. his loss though. matt didn't even tell him about his decision until after it was a done deal. i'm so glad i live close enough to make it to graduation and visits... about 2 1/2 hrs from here. and i already have a military id, so that will make things easier too.
    hope you had a wonderful valentine's day!

  4. I couldn't share my concerns with my husband, that is why I started blogging. I was going nuts. I had to let it out.

    Once I started, I found a great group of people who understood me and who I can relate to. But I still need to blog. It helps me feel like I'm doing something.

    If you'd like, you can email me directly you can go here and send it via the form.

    I'm heading over to chat on GoArmyParents.com now...
